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how to unlock a keypad door lock without the code

Have you ever found yourself locked out of your house or office with no way to get in? If a keypad door lock is the only thing between you and getting back inside, don’t panic. With the right tools, breaking into a room can be surprisingly easy.

In this article, we will discuss the easy ways that anyone could use to unlock a keypad door lock in minutes. So read on if you ever find yourself outside your front door with no way in!

Method 1: Unlock Your Keypad Lock with a Keyhole:

It can be a tricky process, but with the right tools and a bit of patience, it can be done. We will discuss 3 simple steps to open the keypad door lock with this method.

unlock a keypad door lock without the code

Step 1:

The first step is to locate the keyhole on your lock. It should be found at the top or bottom of the lock, depending on your type of lock. 

If you cannot locate it, look for any small holes or slots that might indicate where the keyhole is hidden. Once you have located it, move on to the next. 

Step 2: 

Once you have located the keyhole on your lock, take a paperclip and insert it into the hole as far as possible. Be careful not to damage or bend any of the internal components, as this could cause further damage to your lock. 

You should feel some resistance when pushing in the paperclip, as this means that it has reached its maximum depth and is now engaged with some of the internal components inside the lock. 

Step 3: 

Now that your paperclip is fully inserted into your keypad lock’s keyhole wiggle and turn it while gently pulling upwards until you feel something move or hear a click sound coming from inside. This indicates that one of the internal pins has been moved out of place and will allow you to open your door without using a key or code. 

Once this has been done, gently pull up your paperclip and test whether your door opens by turning the handle from outside.

Method 2: Unlocking a Keypad Lock with an Unlocking Tool

This method is usually quicker than picking the lock, but there’s still no guarantee that it will work, especially on newer locks. 

unlock a keypad door lock without the code

Step 1: 

The first step is to find the right unlocking tool for your specific type of keypad lock. Different keypad locks require other tools, so make sure you get the one that will work best for your particular lock. Once you have the correct unlocking tool, it’s time to move on to the next step. 

Step 2: 

Once you have your unlocking tool ready and prepared, please insert it into the keyhole of your keypad lock. If necessary, apply some force when inserting it to ensure it is securely in place. Be careful not to damage any internal components while doing this, as this could compromise its security features. 

Step 3: 

Once you’ve inserted your unlocking tool into the keyhole and ensured it is securely in place, push and turn it simultaneously until you hear a click sound or feel a slight vibration indicating it has been unlocked successfully. Do not force or apply too much pressure when turning, as this could damage the tool and your lock.

What Kinds of Locks Can It Be Used On? 

Unlocking tools, including combination and electronic locking systems, can be used on most keypad locks. However, some locks may be more difficult than others, depending on the manufacturer’s design and security measures. 

For example, some newer models of brands like Schlage and Kwikset have been designed with anti-tampering mechanisms that make them more difficult (or even impossible) for unauthorized people to unlock them using traditional methods such as picking or bumping.
Read Schlage Smart lock Resetting Method so you dont have to break into those keypad locks which are nearly immpossible to do so.

Method 3: Picking a Lock Without the Code: 

This is the oldest and most straightforward way to unlock a keypad door lock without the code. All you need is a regular lock pick and some patience. 

Step 1: 

The first thing you need to do is gather your supplies. You’ll need a series of picks (as many as pins on the keypad), tension wrenches, and a lubricant such as graphite powder or WD-40. Once those items are gathered, it’s time to move on to the next step. 

Step 2: 

Once your supplies have been gathered, insert one pick at a time into the lock until you feel resistance from each pin inside the keyhole. It means that all pins have been set, and you’re ready to move on to the next step. 

Step 3: 

Now it’s time to apply pressure with your tension wrench by turning it counterclockwise until all pins are felt in their slots. That indicates that all pins have been depressed correctly and that you can now attempt to unlock the padlock with your picks.  

Step 4: 

Finally, start unlocking the padlock by inserting each pick into its slot and gently turning it clockwise until there is no resistance from them. Once this is done, remove all picks and tension wrenches from the lock and try turning it again; if it unlocks, congratulations! You’ve successfully picked a keypad lock!

Tips & Tricks for Successful Lock Picking:

Some several tips and tricks will help make your lockpicking experience easier and more successful:

  • Always practice on old locks before attempting to open something important like your front door; this will give you a better understanding of how locks work so that when it comes time to pick something important, you’ll have more confidence in what you’re doing.
  • Ensure all your tools are clean, so they don’t leave any marks on the lock mechanism; this could damage it beyond repair if done incorrectly.
  • Take breaks every few minutes while picking; this will help prevent fatigue which can cause mistakes when working with delicate mechanisms like locks.
  • Be patient; there is no rush when trying to unlock something important! It may take several attempts before opening it successfully; keep trying until it works!

Things You Should Try Before Breaking Into Keypad Lock:

Before trying to break into any keypad door lock, there are several steps you should take first to try and gain access another way:

unlock a keypad door lock without the code
  • First and foremost, check that the door still needs to be unlocked. It may sound simple, but it’s easy to overlook this possibility if you’re in a rush. If someone forgot to secure the door after entering, you have an easier solution than breaking into the lock!
  • If the door is locked and won’t open with a key, your next step should be finding out who has access; this could be the owner or property manager, depending on where you are attempting entry. They will likely have some master code that allows them to override any locks set up on the door. So, only discount asking for help from those responsible for authorization before resorting to force.
  • On top of these options, it’s also worth considering what tools can be used safely and effectively outside of brute-force methods like bashing at the lock itself. Professional locksmiths often carry special picks designed specifically for different types of locks, including electronic ones and other unique instruments that could provide access far more efficiently (and quietly) than simply forcing entry with whatever objects are lying nearby.
  • No matter how tempting it might seem when faced with an uncooperative lock, remember there are ways to get past it without causing damage. Taking proactive measures such as employing authorized personnel or investing in proper equipment can save time and energy while providing reliable results.

Also read about the possibility of hacking a smart lock.

unlock a keypad door lock without the code FAqs

How to open an electronic door lock without a key?

To open an electronic door lock without a key, you can use a Universal Key. This tool can be purchased online or at a hardware store. It works by inserting the tool into the keyhole and then turning the knob to unlock the door. You can also use a credit card to open the door by slipping it between the door frame and the door and pushing the door open.

How to lock a keypad door from the outside?

You can use a code or a key fob to lock a keypad door from the outside. If you have a code, you can enter it into the keypad to lock the door. If you have a key fob, you can press the lock button on the key fob to lock the door. If you do not have either of these, you can use a padlock to lock the door from the outside.

Wrapping it Up

Unlocking a keypad door lock without having access to its code can be tricky but not impossible! Depending on your situation, several options are available, including picking the lock, using an unlocking tool like a bump or jiggler key, or calling a professional locksmith for assistance.
Whichever route you choose, make sure that you take the necessary precautions so that no damage is done while attempting any of these methods.
Check our recently published article on hotel safe locked out and ways to unlock.