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How to change code on Kwikset Smartcode 909

Did you move into a new home and want to change the code on your Kwikset SmartCode 909 lock? Or are you concerned that someone might know your current code? Either way, changing the code on your Kwikset is easy and takes only a few minutes. Read on to learn how to do it quickly and easily.

Gather Your Supplies 

First, you’ll want to gather the necessary supplies for this task. You’ll need two AAA batteries, two AA batteries, and something small and thin that can fit inside the access hole (such as a paperclip).

A step-by-step guide to changing the code on Kwikset Smartcode 909:

Once you have mentioned items ready, follow these steps:

How to change code on Kwikset Smartcode 909
  1. Remove the faceplate of your lock by turning the slotted screw counterclockwise with a Phillips head screwdriver.
  2. Underneath the faceplate, locate two wires near the top of the inside of your lock. Take a paper clip or safety pin and press firmly on both wires simultaneously for five seconds until you hear two beeps. it will put your lock into programming mode.
  3. Now use four easy digits to remember as your new code (but not 1234). Once you enter those digits, one long beep should indicate that the lock has accepted your unique code.
  4. Replace the faceplate by tightening the screw clockwise with a Phillips head screwdriver until it is snug against the door handle or knob assembly; then replace any battery cover(s).
  5. Test out your new code by pressing down firmly on both sides of your door handle or knob assembly with your thumb while entering your new four-digit code – if all goes well, you should hear two short beeps indicating successful entry! Now that wasn’t so hard.

Changing codes for Kwikset SmartCode 909 locks is super easy once you have all the necessary materials and know what to do!

Also give a read to our recent article on the method to reset hotel safe lock.

How to Change the 4-Digit code on a Kwikset Lock:

One of the best ways to secure your smart lock is by changing the four-digit code that opens the door. Here’s how to change your code in just a few simple steps.

1 – Open the Lockbox Cover

Start by opening the lockbox cover of your Kwikset lock. That will expose the internal workings of your device and allow you access to the keypad.

2 – Enter Your Old Code

Once you’ve opened your lock box, enter your old code into the keypad. You may need to press “Enter” or “OK” once you’ve finished entering your code, depending on your type of Kwikset lock.

3 – Enter Your New Code

Now that you’ve entered your old code, it’s time to enter a new one! Double-check that all the numbers are correct when entering your new code before pressing “Enter” or “OK .”Once you’ve done this, your new four-digit code should be set and ready for use!

Learn the method to change Code of Schlage Lock

How to change code on kwikset smartcode 909 FAQS

Where is the program button on the kwikset lock?

There is no program button on Kwikset locks. To program a Kwikset lock, you use the key with the lock. The key has a special feature that allows you to re-key the lock without removing it from the door.

How do I change my door lock code?

You can find step-by-step instructions in your door’s user manual or search for “changing a door lock code” online to find specific instructions for your make and model of the door lock. In most cases, you must enter your current code, followed by the new code you want to use.
Most door locks allow you to choose between four and six digits for your new code. Be sure to choose something easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. And remember to keep your new code confidential!

Wrapping it Up

In conclusion, this step-by-step guide makes changing codes for Kwikset SmartCode 909 locks relatively simple! All it takes is three AAA batteries, a Phillips head screwdriver, and a paperclip or safety pin; then follow these instructions as outlined above, and voila – you’ve got a new code! Keep in mind that using four digits that are easy for you to remember is key; don’t use 1234. 
Read how to reset Kwikset door Lock
If you have any questions about setting up or troubleshooting your Kwikset lock, consult an experienced locksmith or contact Kwikset customer service for additional help.